
Gwyn-Nor Elementary School Home & School Association (HSA) Welcomes You!

The HSA is a group of volunteers who work together with parents, students and staff to enhance every student's experience throughout the school year. We raise fund to support student enrichment, learning opportunities, school equipment and supplies and fun social activities. We have an exciting year planned for Gwyn-Nor students and families. We hope you can participate and contribute to the success of our students. Together we can make a difference!

Our Weekly Communicator is emailed every Wednesday. Be sure to read it to find out what's happening at our school for the current month.

Please contact us with questions, comments or suggestions. We welcome your feedback!

Meet our 2021-2022 Executive Board Members:

Diana Adriano
[email protected]

Michelle Rudnick             
Co-VP of Events
[email protected]

Caroline Bergh
Co-VP of Events
[email protected]

Jeanette Seichepine      
VP of Fundraising
[email protected]

Alex Duld 
[email protected]

Brooke Mullen
Assist. Treasurer

Kate Moretto
Recording Secretary
[email protected]

Amanda Breen
Corresponding Secretary
[email protected]

Jessica Labenberg
Volunteer Coordinator