We fundraise so that every student may attend various field trips at NO additional costs, this includes admission and transportation. The HSA supports classroom, grade level and building needs throughout the year. We finance all building assemblies as well as any extra materials teachers may need for their classrooms. Additionally, we offer many family social events and activities at no cost. Without fundraising, we can not continue this level of support to our students, teachers and school. The current projected budget for 2021-2022 school year is $40,000 which equals to $70 per student.
How Do We Fundraise?
We have a variety of fundraisers planned for families to choose from. You may decide to do them all, just a few or none. To “opt-out” of fundraising, you have the option of making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION of $30 or more per student to cover traditional fundraising. *Please note this is NOT the same as the Activity Fund.
What Are Some Fundraisers To Expect?
The HSA will offer several different types of fundraisers from traditional catalogue fundraising to events. Families can pick and choose which fundraisers they would like to participate in. We offer a variety to best meet the financial needs of each family. Families are not expected to participate in each fundraiser. However, the more participation the more likely we are to meeting our fundraising goals. Some fundraisers planned for the 2021-2022 calendar year include Dining Nights Out, Book Fairs, Read-A-Thon, Color Run and several others.